Things Girls Hate That Guys Do…

There are many things guys don’t think about as annoying when they’re doing it, but is. I’m not saying this is necessarily applicable to all guys, but in general, here are a couple of things that guys do that piss girls off (because, lets face it, guys need a lot of help in that department).

1. When he’s too ‘scared’ to make a move

Trust me, there is nothing less hot than a guy who’s too wimped out to make the first move. It’s not fun, and after a point, the girl just moves on, thinking you’re not into her. Just suck it up and go for it already because she’s still waiting for you (as long as you’re at least 50% sure she likes you more than a friend – I mean, don’t spring on a random girl you like but who doesn’t know you exist because that would be fruitless and creepy).

2. When he flirts with other girls

This is so classic. Girls hate it when guys flirt with every girl except her to get her attention. It doesn’t make you more desirable in our eyes. It just makes you a flirt and a player. You clearly don’t like her that much or you wouldn’t play games like this.

3. When you don’t trust her

Girls hate it when a guys always suspect them with her guy friends. Being protective is cute and all, but allow her to have guy friends. Jealousy isn’t hot. Don’t be a damn caveman and punch a guy who was just talking to her, that’s not OK. Don’t give her grief for hanging out with her boy best friend. Trust her, basically.

4. When you don’t text her back

When guys see your text and then, strategically reply an hour from then, that’s when the downward spiral starts. Text her back! It’s not that hard. Maybe even text her first? How hard is it to send one simple text? NOT HARD. Suck it up and call her. Believe me, you’ll be just as much of a man after. Also, there is a fine line of difference between ‘ily’, ‘i luv u’ and ‘I love you’. Remember that.

5. When you don’t defend her when needed when you’re with your friends

One thing is being over-protective. Completely another thing is being protective when necessary. Don’t let anyone diss/insult your girl. Just because you’re with your friends does NOT give you the right to be all cocky and different. Set the boundaries with your friends, and get it in your head that neither you nor any of your friends have the right to diss her just because you have strength in numbers.

6. When you push her away from your work/hobby

This is just kind of an extension on the previous one – let her in on what you do. Let her share your hobby even if she sucks at it, she’ll feel special that you let her try.

7. When you make the relationship all about the ‘physical’ stuff

I think this pretty much speaks for itself. It should be about more than her body. End of story.

8. When you give other girls your clothes

Clothe-giving is special to girls and your girl feels special when you give her your clothing. It’s like a reminder that she’s your whenever she wears it and when you’re not with her. So even if your girl says it OK to give your jacket to another girl when it’s blowing a hail outside, don’t freaking do it. Just, don’t.

9. When you lie to her

It all starts with a little white lie. And eventually snowballs into a whirlwind of deception. Don’t lie. I mean, if you have to, it means you have something to hide. So don’t.

No, I did not break up with my boyfriend, and no we’re not going through a rough patch. We’re just fine, this one’s for a sister (not literally, I mean, a best friend).

Stay beautiful,

Deliya x 🙂

Things That Annoy Me : Part 2

Some of this stuff is general and some of these are super-specific to me. But yeah, here are the things that annoy the hell out of me. (Yeah, I’m having a moody day, back off!)

1. People who walk slowly in front of you on sidewalks

Slow walking people, die.

2. When you’re on the tube, and everyone is pushing and pulling you to get on or off.

I might act like this, but inside, know that I hate you with the fire of a thousand suns.

3. Girls with no self-respect who talk about their ‘sad’ lives all the damn time

Yeah, you. Listen to Rachel McAdams. Shut up, and know from the bottom of my heart, I don’t give a shit.

4. Slow wi-fi/internet crashes

OK, so this one’s a first-world problem and yeah, I get it, it’s sorta shallow. But goddamn it, when the internet crashes when I was doing something important is when I hate life most.

5. Stubbing my toe

Yeah, thats what I feel like when this happens to me.

6. When people bring their loud/obnoxious/whiny children to the movies

Why did you bring it when you know other humans were going to be there? We paid to watch (and actually hear the dialogues of) the movie, not to listen to 2 hours of your kid crying and kicking.

7. Thin people who complain that they’re fat

Oh really, bitch? Are you? That’s interesting. No, please, tell me more.

8. When you hold the door for someone and they don’t acknowledge it

Yeah, you’re ungrateful. The end.

9. When people chew gum and leave it around for people to step on.

Thats just mean, why would you do that? Why? WHY?

10. Teenagers who smoke in public places

No, it’s not cool. It’s just a bother to everyone around you and you’re probably just going to die a terrible death.

11. Stupid people trying to butt in and make jokes when you’re trying to be serious

You’re not funny. You’re just annoying. Stop it.

12. When the attendant tells you there will be a delay for your flight

Yeah, this is how I’ll act, but I don’t like you. Or your children. You tell me to come 3 hours early to catch the flight only to later tell me that I might as well have slept 2 hours more. Yeah thanks, thanks a whole lot.

13. People who flip their hair a lot

Yeah, sorry, but you don’t look sexy, you look like a fly swatter.

14. Bad hair days

Ah yes, the days you start to seriously consider the whole Miley Cyrus boy-cut.

15. People who talk about the death of my favourite fictional characters when I’m still in denial

Yeah, screw you, stupid human. Screw. you.

16. When you’re not sure if someone’s listening to you because they’re texting while you talk

Yeah, I don’t think we should be friends anymore. This seems like a logical stopping point in our friendship.

17. When you’re talking to someone hot and someone interrupts you

Alright, so you think you can just waltz in here and dominate the conversation when, in fact, this took me 3 weeks of planning and here you are, screwing it up. Thanks, let me just take another 2 weeks to get back from this.

18. PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

Yes, everyone on this bus now knows your two-day anniversary was today. Can you stop now? There are children here.

19. Someone being really mean to my friends

What, is Simon Cowell your father?

20. When people don’t like weird people

Because in all honesty, I love them.

What “Frozen” Taught Me

First of all, Disney Animations are my favourite movies of all time, so duh, I had to watch this as soon as it came out. This movie is different from most of the normal Disney Princess movies and has a lot to say and, as such, I’m going to say it.

1. Love at first sight does not exist



You can’t marry someone you just met. That’s just not how it works. You can’t fall in love with someone at first sight without knowing a single thing about them. Yes, he might be dashingly handsome, heck, he might even be a prince, but that does not mean he’s the one for you. You can’t lock eyes for two seconds or marry the first guy that comes along because, chances are, you’re going to regret it.

2. Accept yourself. Don’t bottle it all inside



Don’t thing for one second that you’re all alone and that nobody understands you. I mean, we all have that feeling sometimes but there always people who want to reach out to you – your family and friends who would die for you. Don’t close the doors. Don’t make your walls so high and your ice palace so hard to break through that even the ones who love you can’t get in. The cold might not bother you, but sharing your pain can never make it worse.

3. True love isn’t just your knight in shining armor, it’s your family too

Unlike the old chiche stereotype that true love is just when you meet ‘that perfect guy’, this movie shows us how an act of true love is not just a kiss from the prince. It can even be sacrificing your life for your family, the ones you truly love.

4. Redefining a “Disney Princess”


Unlike the usual definition of a princess, which is pretty, delicate and in love, this is finally a movie which shows the female royalty in strong light – with their own mind and personality with great power and the courage to use it to defend what matters most to them. The emotional strength to stay cheerful after dreadful loss, the determination to search for love, the will to live and fight for what is right and what you believe in, no matter what.

5. Dream big



Live for your dreams. No matter how big or scary or irrational they might seem to you or others around you, dream big and don’t stop till you achieve it. The happiness you feel when you get there is worth melting for.

6. Your prince could be a peasant, but it doesn’t matter because you love him



The guy who sticks by you through thick and thin and fights for you, is the guy for you, not the one with the money bags.

Thats all for now guys! If you haven’t already watched frozen, you’ve got to watch it…NOW. Go on, what’re you waiting for?

Stay beautiful.

Deliya x 🙂

Things Every Girl Should Have

No long intro, no explanations. Right into it, here we go.

1. A go-to karaoke song.


2. A favourite book you own at least one hard copy of.


3. A breakup song that makes you feel better. Basically, a song for every major emotion you go through.


4. Enough self-respect to know when to walk away from a bad situation or relationship.


5. The confidence to be her own person, not defined by anyone else.


6. The self-assurance to dance like nobody’s watching.


7. A best friend that will let you do you and make you feel proud of it. Who is not jealous of your achievements, but proud.


8. A dress that was made to amaze.


9. A favourite disney movie.


10. The humility not to judge others on their choice of clothing, makeup, etc.

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11. The courage to chase her dream and the will to work hard for it.


12. Something to her name, that is hers entirely.


13. A deep love for herself and her body that is not put out by others’ opinions.


14. A signature favourite dessert and an indestructible fussiness over how one makes it.


15. The ability to cook something.


16. The spirit of adventure.

17. The confidence to be alone and not feel lonely.

18. A smile that can blow you away.

19. The ability to give out a right-hook.

20. A favourite sport and the jersey of her favourite team.

21. The fearlessness to try out something new every once in awhile.

22. A great handbag and a good pair of boots.

23. The self-pride to be able to support yourself without anyone’s help.

24. An emergency ice cream tub in the freezer at all times.

25. The sense not to let social media rule her life or emotions.

26. An intimate knowledge of some fandom or the other (preferably Harry Potter)

27. A signature dance move.

28. The drive to save the planet (I mean recycling).

29. A good relationship with your siblings and family

30. A presentable everyday makeup look that’s natural-looking.

31. The ability to restrain yourself from fandom references at inappropriate times, and binge shopping.

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂

Author of the Month : Malcolm Gladwell

This week, I’ve had the good fortune of not one, but two books being gifted to me – my favourite kind of presents. My boyrfriend, who’s doing a course in psychology, gave me these because he thought that I’d enjoy them. Both books were authored by the same person, Malcolm Gladwell. And believe me, it changed the way I look at things in life. They really open up your conscious brain to a whole bunch of unlocked doors and make you realize a lot of things you weren’t even aware of about yourself.

carpe diem

The first book, and my personal favourite of the two, was called “Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”. The entire book is about his research and psychological study on the adaptive unconscious – basically, mental processes that happen automatically and instantaneously without our recognizing it, based on little to no information that help us make surprisingly accurate snap judgments. It isn’t one-sided, however – while it celebrates the strength, accuracy, and uniformity of the unconscious mind, it also elaborates on its pitfalls such as its effects on stereotypes.


Blink” concentrates on the fundamental concept of “thin-slicing” – our ability to take out the most important or relevant details from a small and narrow window of experience or information provided. He uses examples from art, music, sales and shows us how our ability to thin-slice can be corrupted by stereotypes.


The next book is called The Tipping Point : How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference”. This one’s a bit different. It’s all about strange and mystifying sociological processes that take place in everyday life. In “The Tipping Point“, the author tries to put across his idea of the ‘3 Rules of Epidemics’. In other words, the three things that can cause something to become a social epidemic – The Law of the Few, The Stickiness Factor and the Power of Context.


Both these books are amazing reads, and worth spending your weekend on – and your pocket money. You’ll never think about yourself and the world around you in quite the same way again. Malcolm Gladwell is one of the contemporary world’s most prized thinkers, and is something of a genius when it comes to looking at things in a way never thought of before.

That’s all for now; I hope you guys will love these books as much as I did! You can always contact me if you want me to review a specific book for you on my blog.

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂

Obsession of the Week : Memory Palaces

So here’s where my geeky side comes out. Oops. Sorry I’m not sorry. If you don’t like it, turn away. Recently, I’ve started going through noticeable phases in my obsessions. They don’t always last very long, but last week it was Rubik’s Cubes and how to solve them (yes, I did it, in case you’re wondering. I can solve any 3×3 cube in under 30 mins now. That’s kind of slow compared to many, but I just gave myself a week, so I can’t really expect much) and this week it’s Memory Palaces. In case you’re wondering, this is just a trick that can drastically improve your memory.


Of course, I got this idea from Sherlock (the Season 3 finale episode goes into somewhat of detail about it) and I just had to see what it was all about. And then I became obsessed. As usual. (It’s never moderation with me, it’s always I’m absolutely infatuated or I really couldn’t care less *sighs dramatically*)


So anyway, being the weirdo I am, I decided to share with the world the exact extent of my geekiness and tell you all about Memory Palaces (and how to make one, if you’re interested – so that we can go be psychos together, doesn’t that sound like fun?)

First of all, the thing I started off with was this video of Joshua Foer on TED. In case you don’t have time to go through the whole video, let me try and condense it for you as fast and simply as possible. Basically, the idea of a memory ‘palace’ has been around for thousands of years – the Greeks used it to remember long speeches – entire books, even! Back then, they didn’t have smartphones and, as such, they needed to remember things without aids.

So basically how this works is that you have to choose a place in your mind that you’re very familiar with – like your home or school or office or whatever. Any place that you know like the back of your hand. A place that you’re intimately familiar with – the sounds, smells and look of that place should be firmly embedded effortlessly in your mind. 


Say, for example you take your own house. Plan out an exact route you’re going to take around your home. Lets say you start with your door and step into your foyer or hallway or whatever. Your shoe rack follows, then the kitchen, the living room, the master bedroom, the basement, your room, and so on. Map out the exact route you’re going to be mentally taking and firmly plant it in your head. Try not to deviate much.

Then take a list of things you want to remember – like a grocery list and try to place these things in your memory palace. Let’s say, for example, you need to remember to get some carrots, cottage cheese and a new screwdriver (I don’t know, Im just being random here). Now instead of just placing these things in your memory palace, you need to make them memorable – so that they’ll stick in your head.


For instance, you can imagine two giant carrots, dressed in tutus playing the trumpet and opening your doors for you with your neighbours pointing and laughing. Now that’s hard to forget. Next, imagine as soon as you get in, you smell a rotten stinking stench of cheese way past it’s expiry date and when you look on your coffee table, you see Miley Cyrus licking a hammer. You can probably see where I’m going with this – the more whacky and crazy – the more likely you are to remember it.


And that’s basically how it goes. The more you practise the better you get at it. You can put tonnes of information in your palace and in fact, you can have several palaces. There’s this Tumblr post I found that was really helpful that you could check out by clicking here. Hope you guys loved testing this out as much as I did!

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂

How I Became A Sherlockian

OK guys, it’s confession time. I can’t keep all these feels in me anymore. I’ve got to let it all out and I’m going to do it no matter how hard or long it is. This is the story of my absolute and complete, irrevocable and total obsession with Sherlock. (Oh and for those of you who don’t watch BBC’s Sherlock, I just, I have nothing to say to you…Go and get your arse off that chair and watch it…NOW!) Oh, and P.S. this is me going on full-on fangirl mode, so unless you’re ready for that, I strongly suggest you stop reading at this point. Like, now.


Recently (and by recently I mean from September 2013) I started watching this modern rendition of A.C. Doyle’s Holmes (which I LOVED reading as a teenager) and absolutely fell in love. I cannot even begin to describe the number of hours I should’ve been studying for my exams or doing something infinitely more important but was watching/fangirling over Sherlock instead. And the worst (or best, if you take it my way) part is, I’m not even sorry. I regret nothing.


 First of all, cheers to Moffat and Gatiss for making this series so mind-blowingly amazing and heart-stoppingly interesting. Oh, and kudos for hiring the sexiest guy on the planet (with a voice so deep and creamy and full-on Alan Rickman-y that it takes your breath away) as Sherlock – Benedict Cumberbatch. And of course, the always lovely Martin Freeman who plays Dr. John Watson.


And of course, which fangirling session is truly complete without describing in loving detail, my OTP (excluding CumberChris or Denedict – which is me and Benedict Cumberbatch :3 ) which is Johnlock (John and Sherlock) and Sherlolly (Sherlock and Molly Hooper). Sometimes, I end up watching Sherlock curled up in an intense ball of feels shipping my OTP so hard that I start to tear up. No, I don’t need medical attention. It’s just another day in the life of a fangirl.


For those of you who are still reading this, this means you’re a Cumberbitch (fans of Cumberbatch) or Sherlockian and thus, share my feels. This also means that you must be a pretty hardcore fan, because if you’re not, you must not have watched the Reichenbach Fall and the AGES of waiting before they explained how Sherlock survived the fall. And if you didn’t stop reading, because here come the spoilers.


I have a love-hate relationship with Moffat and Gatiss for making us wait so long (till Jan 1, 2014) for Season 3. But, as usual, the explanation of the fall, Johnlock’s reunion and everything in between was just fantastic. And the way Gatiss incorporated every single OTP in our fandom in that one episode? Wow. It’s like he just ransacked the tumblr of every Sherlockian. Oh and of course, Sherlock’s best man speech at John and Mary’s wedding (that successfully forever shattered the Johnlock shippers) brought me to tears (with laughter and feels – oh, the bromance). I still have my Sherlolly ship left, though (though at this point, I think I’m going to sink with this ship as well, seeing as how Molly was recently engaged).


Oh and you have plenty of reason to love Benedict even if you’re a trekky (Star Trek fan). He played the badass ‘Khan’ in Star Trek Into Darkness in 2013, and boy was he good. Goes to show you how rightful I am in this love and admiration of him – he can play a badass just as well as a ‘on the side of the angels‘ character (if you know what I mean – and you will, if you’re a Sherlockian).


OK, I think this is a logical stopping point because I’m bursting with feels just writing about this and I better leave before the hyperventilation starts. More later, guys!

Stay beautiful,

Deliya x 🙂

When the people lead…


When the people will lead, the leaders will follow…

How To Make and Keep those Resolutions

It’s that time of year again – a time for reflection for the year gone by, and a time of hope for good fortune in the year to come. As Edith Pierce said “The book is called ‘Opportunity’ and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” Wouldn’t you love to make this year of your life the best one yet? So that when you’re at the end of it, you feel better about yourself than you did at the end of this one? That’s exactly why we make resolutions. But, come on, lets be honest, nobody really keeps them. We mean to, but that sort of motivation and perseverance all year round is way too much to ask of anyone. But, as it is, that’s where I come in. Here’s how you can make resolutions and make them stick!


1. Don’t be too extravagant and unrealistic


Keep it real. Go some place quite where you can think and then make a list of things you want to change. Don’t make the list dauntingly long because the longer it is, the faster you’re going to give up on it. Only include those things on your list that are really important to you. Don’t make your goals unrealistically hard to achieve. If, for instance, you want to cut down on junk food, you’ve got to tone it down a bit. Replace desert with fruits you like or exercise 4 days a week instead of the planned 7. You’ll get there eventually.

2. Change little by little


Bad habits take years to form and set in. So why should good habits be any different? It’s not easy (or possible) to change overnight so give yourself a break and go slow. Change a little bit every day (or week) and work your way toward the goal. You can’t just go like “Happy New Year! Now hurry up and completely change yourself and your life!” It just doesn’t work that way and you know it.

3. Tell people – remind yourself!


Telling your family and friends about your resolutions is always great because they can be constant reminders to you about what you need to do. Make copies of your resolution – at home in your room, on the fridge, on your phone, at school in your locker. The more you see it, the more you remind yourself to do those things!

4. “New year, new you” takes time


Don’t beat yourself up if you miss one day. Minor setbacks are OK and it’s completely fine to mess up once in awhile. Nobody’s perfect right? Just remember to keep at it as much as you can.

5. Find a friend


Having a friend with similar goals is always a great way to keep motivated. Maybe the both of you can work on your resolutions together and make plans and schedules for it. The more the merrier!


Thats all from me for now! Happy new year everyone! Have an amazing one! Keep your head up and make the best of it!

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂