I Need YOUR Help!

Hey guys!

I know I haven’t posted in absolutely AGES and I’m sorry but I’ve been extremely busy with all the exams coming up but I will be posting soon again so don’t hate me okay? 😀

There’s this Korean Boy Band that I really admire. They’re called EXO. Right now, they’re compiling a book of messages from their fans and they’ll only choose the top 550 most-liked messages for their book. I know I don’t understand any Korean but I really support them a lot and it would REALLY mean a lot to me if you guys went over to the links below and liked my messages.


Also, if you’re an EXO fan, feel free to leave a message for them as well!

Thanks again and remember to vote!

Deliya x 🙂

Of Summer and Off-Days

Summer break is here and I’ve been having the time of my life.

Source : weheartit.com

From going to the mall with friends, hanging out at the pool and the club to having gaming and movie nights as well as late night FIFA matches (GO GERMANY!!) with friends, it’s been one hell of a ride. Such a relief after the hectic year I’ve been having.

I’ve been attempting to be healthier – drinking more water, trying to cut down on the bleeding soda and chocolates (so hard!) and exercising an hour a day hasn’t been easy but I’ve been doing the best I can. It’s been worth it, though. Or at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself.

I have really GOT to start packing. This Friday (the 11th of July), I will be visiting Goa, India, and I probably won’t be able to write till early August as I will be touring India. I will be documenting it all in a post for you guys when I’m back, though, so don’t worry!

After visiting all of Europe (Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Vatican City and Croatia!) and Africa (Mauritius), I think it was only fair that Asia was next on my list. The only Asian country I’ve ever visited is Singapore and it totally blew me away, so India promises to be exotic and amazing. I can’t wait!

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂

Credits for featured image : http://www.thelittleblackdress.it

You Are Strong Enough

There are so many times in your life when all you feel like doing is giving up. It’s been too hard for too long and you just don’t think you can take it anymore. It would be so easy to just give up.


But that’s not who you are.

You’re meant for so many bigger and better things. Don’t you dare go give up on yourself. You’re all you have and you are the best and most unique thing you can offer to the world. Don’t let your struggles overwhelm you so easily. Give it a fight. So what if the whole world gives up? They’re not you. They’ll never be you.

You’ve got to do it for you. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you’re worth it. You can do this, I believe in you. You were given this gift of life that you get to open everyday and you’re so lucky, you don’t even know it. Keep working hard towards your goals, and destiny will be on your side.

Let your struggles be part of your story. Some day, other people will hear of how you worked your way through seemingly impossible odds and you’ll be an inspiration to them. Just imagine all that it could be!

Stay Strong!

Deliya x 🙂