Simple Joys in Life : Part 2

Just continuing where I left off since the title is pretty self-explanatory. Remember to appreciate the little things, guys!


1. Changing into sweatpants


2. Having a day off


3. Hugs from that special someone


4. Finding money in your pocket and feeling like


5. Eating homemade food


6. When you hear your jam on the radio


7. When you catch a glimpse of him


8. When you get into a warm room after the freezing outdoors


9. When you think of a perfect sassy comeback on Tumblr


10. When your teacher says you did better than everybody else on the test


11. When you receive an unexpected compliment

Stay amazing!

Deliya x 🙂

Random Thought # 2: How To Make People Think You’re Immortal

You know how when you start out on the internet checking out your tumblr, twitter and facebook and hours later you find yourself watching videos on how to shave your platypus? Yeah, well, I was on my 5th hour when I stumbled upon this article and it LITERALLY MADE MY DAY. Its just hilarious, I just died. Its about how to make people think you’re immortal.

Check out the article : How To Make People Think You’re Immortal


How To Make People Think You're Immortak

How To Make People Think You’re Immortak


Deliya x :’D