How To Make A Girl’s Day

So recently someone emailed me asking  how to make a girl feel special. I don’t know if this person asked as a friends or if this person likes a girl and wants to let her know she’s more than a friend to him. In any case, I thought I’d lend a hand to all those guys out there who’re wondering how to make their best girl friends or their girlfriends feel special. No matter who you are, here are some ways to make a girls day.

1. Compliment her


This one’s simple and outright and pretty much obvious. Ever girl wants to and loves to be complimented (who doesn’t?). Whether this is your girlfriend (or someone you wish was your girlfriend) or yourfriend, the simplest way to make her smile is compliment her. Now be sure to space out the compliments. Don’t just pour them all into a a paragraph and make it all awkward. Just lay them on from time to time and she’ll definitely feel special around you. Another thing is to make sure you don’t only compliment her on her body or looks. I mean, those are nice and all, but maybe a little compliment on her personality or her eyes would feel a bit more warm and from the heart?

2.Surprise her


A girl loves nothing more than proof that you’ve thought about her while she wasn’t in front of you. Make sure you know her well enough to get her something you know she’ll totally love. Maybe she’s a girly girl and loves bracelets and necklaces? Or maybe she’s a tomboy who likes hats and skateboards. Or a chocoholic? You’ve got to know her well enough to get her something she’ll love. In fact,ever better, is when you make her a gift. There’s nothing more personal than something you grew/made/organised on your own. Thats when shit gets real.

3. Don’t lie


There’s absolutely NOTHING a girl hates more than being lied to, so the simple obvious other is to not lie to her. Girls being the way they are, generally know the truth (80% of the time) so why risk it?

4. Act Like You Care…


Another simple way to make a girls day is listen to her. Talk to her, go out to eat with her, do something fun with her. In other words, show her you care. That spending time with her is something you like doing. That being seen in public with her (and not always your guy friends) is something you’re not only ‘macho’ enough to do but also love doing. Take her somewhere fun and interesting, make plans for her and listen to what she says. Girls love it when you remember the little things they’ve said earlier. It shows you were actually paying attention.

5. Always notice


Guys I don’t know why, but this is really important to a girl : always ALWAYS notice when a girl does something new to her hair or her look in general. This is essential to both your happiness and that of the girl in question’s.

6. Respect her


No girl likes a guy who’s always acting like a douche or a little bit too full of himself. I mean, yes, its definitely a fact that us girls are somehow more attracted to guys who aren’t total mama’s boys (a.k.a. the infamous bad boy) but even girls know the limit to acting like a jerk. Your girl deserves to be treated with respect – whether its to her opinions and decisions or to her body and personality. Also, make sure you’re not always talking about yourself when you’re with her. Try to listen to her and ask her how her day was for a change?

7. Don’t take ages to respond


The last (and one of the most important) thing I’m going to tell you is to not take ages to respond to her text. You don’t seem busy, you just seem like a self-obsessed idiot. Its not nice to make a girl wait hours before you respond to her text. Another thing that goes along with this one is to send her a “Good morning” text. Let her know she was the first thing on your mind when you woke up. Girls love good morning texts, don’t ask us why because we probably couldn’t explain it to you anyway. Just do it.


All in all guys, don’t be a complete good boy (break the rules for her once in a while) but be sweet and nice and thoughtful. Be there for her when she needs you and be patient with her (as she is with you). Stand up for her and keep her smiling and that ought to let her know you mean something to her. Hope that helped you!

Stay beautiful!

Deliya x 🙂

Lies That Everyone Tells

Everyone on the planet tells a white lie from time to time. Its just the way of the world (gosh, that sounds so bad but its true).  Some lies are to save friendships and relationships, some are to get out of trouble or to get others out of trouble. Usually, as long as we’re not breaking the law or something, white lies simply cushion us from ourselves. So without further ado, here are some common lies that everyone tells.

1. I’m fine…


I don’t know exactly why humans just feel the need to bottle up everything inside and not tell anyone how they are. I mean, I get that you probably don’t want to share what you’re going through with everyone but at least make sure to tell your close friends (what are friends for?) or else you’ll get sick bottling up all those emotions. I mean, you clearly don’t seem fine, that’s we asked how you were in the first place. Its like you’re telling us we’re not worthy of knowing or that we wont understand. But we asked because we actually care and we probably want to help. So don’t go around with that bottled up sass.

2. I didn’t do it…


OK, this is definitely a lie I sympathize with because I have used this one on countless occasions. I know it’s not right at all, and that you should always take responsibility for your actions, no one wants to get into trouble willingly (especially when no one can find out the culprit) right? I mean, this might not work for everyone but since I’m lucky enough, my rules for trouble have always been to deny everything and, if that doesn’t work, blame my twin!

3. Dinner’s ready in 5 minutes


Is it just my mum, or everyone’s that lies about how soon dinner’s going to be ready? She’ll go like “Honey, the table will be ready in 5 minutes.” and then I go downstairs 5 minutes later and dinner’s still in the oven. I mean, why even tell that lie mum? I love food but I also love tumblr. If food wasn’t ready yet, I could’ve just read that book/watched that video/finished that game level/texted for a little while longer. Its not nice, giving people false hope.

4. Thank you so much! I love it…


We all have that one Uncle Bob or Aunt Clair that always gives you rotten birthday/Christmas presents and, well, they’re so sweet and nice to you that you don’t have the heart to tell them that the present you have is the most useless thing you’ve ever seen/would never be seen in public with. Then you’d just seem like an ungrateful brat or an insensitive jerk.

5. I’m sure I texted you…


Because telling someone that they were low on your priority list or agenda would just be outright mean and rude, no matter how much you dislike that person. It would just make things weird otherwise and hurt your relationship, so you’re probably better off telling this lie and blaming technology for your mistakes.

6. Yeah, I was with Andrea last night…

Because that just what friends do…they agree and go along with your story first, and ask you questions later. You were probably in a really tight or awkward situation anyway, or you wouldn’t have had to rope someone else in, in your web of lies.

7. Yeah, you look great in that dress…


OK, so I’ve never personally done this one before (because I don’t particularly understand the necessity to lie about how somebody else looks in a dress, so they get a fake impression and get happy then but end up wasting money and getting embarrassed publicly later) but my sister has done this to me countless times before, where I get hooked on to a silly-looking outfit and she just nods along and agrees and I end up getting humiliated later. Its just not done; its mean, so knock it off, you overtly nice people! I can take a bit of criticism.

8. I did finish my work, I just forgot to bring it to school…


OK, so I know I cannot be alone in this. I just know it. I mean, me and my friends have gotten out of trouble with this one a million times before. Seriously, no one’s that honest.

Stay beautiful!
Deliya x 🙂