Getting Organised

School is starting up again and there’s so much stuff to do – new books, binders and papers, new stationary and so many activities and tests. Keeping everything going and being on the top of your game isn’t easy. Its that time of year where you’ve gotta start getting it all together again – get organised for the new year. All these muddled up schedules and to- do lists arent cutting it. If you’re anything like me, you’re a super control freak and organising and scheduling everyday down to the minute is essential for your peace of mind.

Get a planner – its the best way to saty orgaised. Doctors appointments, tests, soccer practise, parties – you can jot it all down here and remember everything this way. This is a valuable tool for every student so is your school doesn’t give you planners (mine does), go out and get one, its extremely helpful, specially if you’re into a lot of stuff. Make lists and plan it all out neatly. Its not a waste of time. Seriously.

School Supplies 3

Have a particular place like a file or folder to put in worksheets, assignments and papers from every class. Don’t just stuff it in your textbook (trust me, I know). It doesnt work. You’ll just end up forgetting about it. Get a file organiser for those handouts and separate notebooks for each subject – NOT just one gigantic book for all of them. It isnt neat or easy to leaf through.


Another important thing is to clean up your school satchel and locker. It doesnt do for it to have old handouts, old folders, broken pencils and scraps of paper and chewing gum wrappers. Clear it all out and stack all your stuff neatly. Its a sure shot way not to forget things. Also, assigning a specific place in your house (preferrably your room) which is well-lit and quiet to study and do homework is a must. You don’t want your little brother’s friends or your sister’s head-banging music to disturb you. So find a quiet place to work, learn and organise your thoughts and believe me, you’ll start aceing all those tests.


Also, its important that you set aside separate slots of time for everything – and make sure you’re being realistic! Make a schedule that you think you can deal with and stick to it. Don’t put 4 hour studying slots and then a rush-off to soccer practise, becuase we all know you’re only fooling yourself there. Give yourself enough breaks (not too many) and set realistic goals.

Last of all, make sure to have fun! High school (or just school) is one of the most memorable time in your life – make friends, make memories and make your dreams come true.

Deliya x 🙂

How To : Get What You Want

Being a teenager can be tough. You need a lot of stuff – whether its love, attention, stationary, that cute purse or permission to go out to that party. Getting what you want and getting your parents to let you do it, is a tricky but, once practiced, an infinitely useful art. Out of pure trial-and-error, there are a few things I’ve discovered that often work when it comes to getting your parents to agree to let you do what you want or get what you want.

The first thing is to make sure that what you want is reasonable (not over the top and something you don’t really need) and useful. Don’t ask for super-expensive stuff like a Prada bag or an iPhone just because. Make sure you have real need for it and that it’ll be useful to you first. Its never good to sound spolied in front of your parents!

The next thing to see is to check whether you can trade what you want for something they want. Maybe do all your chores AND some of theirs for a week? Mow the lawn for dad, do the dishes for mom? Maybe babysit and go halves on the bill for whatever you want? And there’s always the forever-guaranteed method of getting really good grades and acting extra responsible for a a couple of days before you ask for what you want. Also remember that ‘no’ right now doesnt mean ‘no’ forever. You can try and convince them somwhow. You know your parents best, you know what they want from you.

Another thing is to not start off with ‘Dad I want…’ No, just no. He’s definitely going to refuse. Start off with ‘I know that you work really hard and that you always provide us whatever we need….’ Don’t sound like a suck-up, but at least try to sound appreciative BEFORE asking. Also, make sure to sound mature and tell them to think about their decision before replying, otherwise they’ll feel like theyre being backed up into a corner and will end up saying ‘no’. Another real obvious one is to make sure your parents are in a good mood before asking them.

Lastly, make sure you Never give up on something you really want or something you think you truly deserve.

Deliya x 🙂

I hope life isn’t just one big joke, because I don’t get it

I hope life isn’t just one big joke, because I don’t get it.

Recently one of my favourite uncles was in a near-fatal situation and those hours on those uncomfortable hospital chairs really got me thinking. At first, I went all numb like I did when I got hit full-on on my face with a badminton racket. Everyone around me was crying and sobbing but I coudn’t really feel anything except a dull sting on my head like an ant bite, sort of (later that required 3 stitches, but thats not the point).

After a couple of minutes in those dreaded chairs, as the reality of losing someone dear to me truly began to sink in, and every minute seemed to crawl into infinity, I began to bawl and later ask myself what would really happen to or family without Uncle Dan. I’ve never really been a religious person, but just then, the only person who I could seem to turn to was the dude up there. As I thought about how, all too quickly, all the happy times with my uncle could just be snatched away in a second, I hoped and prayed that he would be able to fight it.

I don’t want to sound too depressing so I’ll cut this short. My uncle’s OK now, but these sort of things really get you thinking about what you would do if the same thing happened to, say, your mum or dad tomorrow? What would you do, where would you run, where would you hide? Its like the permanant goodbye. No second chances. And all you can think of is the last thing you said to them, and whether you remembered to tell them ‘I love you’. All I want to say is (and I know this one’s been done to death but) enjoy and treasure every single moment with the ones you love (no matter how annoying that li’l sis of yours is). You have no idea how much you’ll miss her when she’s gone. Take it from me.

Deliya x 🙂