How I Became A Sherlockian

OK guys, it’s confession time. I can’t keep all these feels in me anymore. I’ve got to let it all out and I’m going to do it no matter how hard or long it is. This is the story of my absolute and complete, irrevocable and total obsession with Sherlock. (Oh and for those of you who don’t watch BBC’s Sherlock, I just, I have nothing to say to you…Go and get your arse off that chair and watch it…NOW!) Oh, and P.S. this is me going on full-on fangirl mode, so unless you’re ready for that, I strongly suggest you stop reading at this point. Like, now.


Recently (and by recently I mean from September 2013) I started watching this modern rendition of A.C. Doyle’s Holmes (which I LOVED reading as a teenager) and absolutely fell in love. I cannot even begin to describe the number of hours I should’ve been studying for my exams or doing something infinitely more important but was watching/fangirling over Sherlock instead. And the worst (or best, if you take it my way) part is, I’m not even sorry. I regret nothing.


 First of all, cheers to Moffat and Gatiss for making this series so mind-blowingly amazing and heart-stoppingly interesting. Oh, and kudos for hiring the sexiest guy on the planet (with a voice so deep and creamy and full-on Alan Rickman-y that it takes your breath away) as Sherlock – Benedict Cumberbatch. And of course, the always lovely Martin Freeman who plays Dr. John Watson.


And of course, which fangirling session is truly complete without describing in loving detail, my OTP (excluding CumberChris or Denedict – which is me and Benedict Cumberbatch :3 ) which is Johnlock (John and Sherlock) and Sherlolly (Sherlock and Molly Hooper). Sometimes, I end up watching Sherlock curled up in an intense ball of feels shipping my OTP so hard that I start to tear up. No, I don’t need medical attention. It’s just another day in the life of a fangirl.


For those of you who are still reading this, this means you’re a Cumberbitch (fans of Cumberbatch) or Sherlockian and thus, share my feels. This also means that you must be a pretty hardcore fan, because if you’re not, you must not have watched the Reichenbach Fall and the AGES of waiting before they explained how Sherlock survived the fall. And if you didn’t stop reading, because here come the spoilers.


I have a love-hate relationship with Moffat and Gatiss for making us wait so long (till Jan 1, 2014) for Season 3. But, as usual, the explanation of the fall, Johnlock’s reunion and everything in between was just fantastic. And the way Gatiss incorporated every single OTP in our fandom in that one episode? Wow. It’s like he just ransacked the tumblr of every Sherlockian. Oh and of course, Sherlock’s best man speech at John and Mary’s wedding (that successfully forever shattered the Johnlock shippers) brought me to tears (with laughter and feels – oh, the bromance). I still have my Sherlolly ship left, though (though at this point, I think I’m going to sink with this ship as well, seeing as how Molly was recently engaged).


Oh and you have plenty of reason to love Benedict even if you’re a trekky (Star Trek fan). He played the badass ‘Khan’ in Star Trek Into Darkness in 2013, and boy was he good. Goes to show you how rightful I am in this love and admiration of him – he can play a badass just as well as a ‘on the side of the angels‘ character (if you know what I mean – and you will, if you’re a Sherlockian).


OK, I think this is a logical stopping point because I’m bursting with feels just writing about this and I better leave before the hyperventilation starts. More later, guys!

Stay beautiful,

Deliya x 🙂